Water & Wastewater industry

From generation of tender documents to remote monitoring

The provision of reliable water supply and sustainable wastewater treatment are essential for the development of entire regions. At the same time, operators focus on efficiency while not neglecting process safety and availability. Here, our dedicated industry division contributes the essence of over 50 years of experience we have gained in the water and wastewater industry.

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KROHNE Global Industry Division Water & Wastewater

Water is becoming rare in the future. Against this backdrop, it is clear how important it is to man and industry to have an efficient, high-capacity potable water supply and to have eco-friendly wastewater treatment for the planet as well as for the development of entire regions.

Our Global Industry Division Water & Wastewater, headquartered in Duisburg, has set itself the task of providing the best possible services to customers and making the processes as efficient as possible. Our product portfolio covers the entire range of measurement and analysis technology, from individual measuring stations to complete system solutions. With presence in around 100 countries, local support is usually available from just around the corner. This applies whether the application can be covered by standard instrumentation, or is more challenging, where a one-off solution with dedicated process diagnostics is required.

KROHNE Water & Wastewater
