
Aquarama 2025

KROHNE heet u van harte welkom op Aquarama 2025 in Leuven!

Bent u betrokken bij waterbehandeling, proceswater, of afvalwaterbeheer? Dan is de Aquarama vakbeurs een must! Deze beurs brengt professionals uit de watersector samen, van ingenieurs en technische specialisten tot beslissers en innovatiemanagers.

Ontdek de nieuwste technologieën en oplossingen voor duurzaam waterbeheer, en laat u inspireren door de inzichten en expertise van koplopers in de sector. De Aquarama vakbeurs biedt u de kans om in contact te komen met belangrijke spelers en waardevolle kennis op te doen die u helpt uw waterbeheerprocessen te optimaliseren.

Bezoek de Aquarama vakbeurs en zet samen met ons stappen naar een duurzamere toekomst in watertechnologie!

Event information

23 Eki 2025

Industry areas
Water & Wastewater industry



Inlets and outlets for flow measurements remain a hot issue: many applications do not offer the appropriate installation conditions to maintain the recommended or required straight inlet and outlet runs. KROHNE presents the appropriate "0D/0D portfolio" for this purpose, consisting of the WATERFLUX water meter, the OPTIFLUX for wastewater, and the AF-E 400 for auxiliary and supply circuits, which can be used without straight inlet and outlet sections.

New web-based platform for the water industry

Here, customers will find complementary services for KROHNE products that can be equipped with additional remote data transmission. The platform will start with a tool for flow tracking in water distribution networks, which can be used, for example, to detect water losses (non-revenue water), to detect leaks or to monitor day/night flows.

Flow measurement

Flowmeters, flow controllers and flow accessories
 - For all industrial process applications
 - From cost-effective mechanical indicators to very advanced flow instrumentation
 - Maintenance and service tools, flow computers and other accessories for flow measurement

Level measurement

Transmitters, switches, indicators and accessories for level measurement
- For continuous level and interface measurement or point level detection
- Contact or non-contact measurement of liquids, pastes, granulates, powders, solids, bulk goods etc.
- For standard or demanding applications with advanced requirements, hazardous areas and Functional Safety (SIL)


Electromagnetic flowmeter for applications with partially filled pipes
- With integrated capacitive level measurement for flow measurement of water and wastewater (≥10% pipe fill level)
- Accurate (±1%) and cost-saving alternative to open channel systems
- Flange: DN200…1600 / 8…64"
- 3 x 4…20 mA, pulse, HART®, Modbus, PROFINET
